Benefits of Outsourcing Vision

Applied Medical Systems

If you’re running an optometry practice, you may be handling your vision billing in-house even if you outsource the medical portion of your billing. But there are many ways that outsourcing vision billing can benefit you and your practice. Applied Medical Systems can efficiently handle all of your billing so that you get optimal reimbursement.

Fewer Mistakes, Fewer Denials

There are more mistakes made in vision filing than some providers realize. Applied Medical Systems can audit materials claims for optimal reimbursement. When there are fewer mistakes, fewer claims are denied. This will save valuable time and energy while ensuring you get properly reimbursed. AMS can also train optical staff on how to prevent future errors in documentation and claims to avoid denials.

Increased Efficiency

Outsourcing vision increases efficiency. In many vision practices, non-billing personnel such as an office manager or optician are responsible for vision filing and remit posting tasks. It’s easy for them to get behind, miss claims, or run out of time for follow up and clean up. When you outsource vision billing to Applied Medical Systems, dedicated billing specialists will be responsible for filing and remit posting tasks. 

That means you and your staff will no longer have to interrupt their workflow with tasks that are unrelated to their core responsibilities. They can focus on seeing patients and keeping the practice running smoothly. It also means that billing-related tasks will be completed in a timely manner, and nothing falls through the cracks. Our dedicated billing specialists are highly trained to submit clean claims so you get reimbursed sooner. In the rare instance that a claim is denied, our paperless denial queue allows us to resolve denials quickly and efficiently.

Customizable Services

No two practices are exactly the same, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution that will work for everyone. Applied Medical Systems provides solutions for optometry practices with different needs. Our services include:

  • Full revenue cycle management
  • Temporary filing, posting, and cleanup as needed
  • A la carte services:
    • Claims submission and management
    • Denial resolution & appeals
    • Charge importing or posting
    • Payment and denial importing or posting
    • Remit posting
    • A/R Work and management
    • Filing and posting for high volume payers or payers with difficult remit formats